Class of '09/Endings (2024)

Class of '09 has 15 different Endings.


  • 1 Chlorine Bomb Ending
    • 1.1 Dialogue
    • 1.2 Illustration
  • 2 White Power but NOI Ending
    • 2.1 Dialogue
    • 2.2 Illustration
    • 2.3 Achieving
  • 3 White Power Ending
    • 3.1 Dialogue
    • 3.2 Illustration
  • 4 Moving Again Ending
    • 4.1 Dialogue
    • 4.2 Illustration
  • 5 School Shooting Ending
    • 5.1 Dialogue
    • 5.2 Illustration
  • 6 Drug Rehab Ending
    • 6.1 Dialogue
    • 6.2 Illustration
  • 7 Valedictorian Ending
    • 7.1 Dialogue
    • 7.2 Illustration
  • 8 YouTube Famous Ending
    • 8.1 Dialogue
    • 8.2 Illustration
  • 9 Psych Ward Ending
    • 9.1 Dialogue
    • 9.2 Illustration
  • 10 Suicide Ending
    • 10.1 Dialogue
    • 10.2 Illustration
  • 11 Graduation Ending
    • 11.1 Dialogue
    • 11.2 Illustration
    • 11.3 Achieving
  • 12 State-wide Expulsion Ending
    • 12.1 Dialogue
    • 12.2 Illustration
  • 13 Homeless Ending
    • 13.1 Dialogue
    • 13.2 Illustration
  • 14 500k LA Dream Ending
    • 14.1 Dialogue
    • 14.2 Illustration
  • 15 Necrophilia Ending
    • 15.1 Dialogue
    • 15.2 Illustration

Chlorine Bomb Ending[]



"Well... Long story short, I went to the shoot and Mr. White had the bright idea of having us build a chlorine bomb that could level a food court. We didn't really know what we were doing while giving him a hand with the supplies, we just thought he had a really big pool. He detonated it at a Puerto Rican rights bingo night, killing himself in the process, leaving us as the only living traces of DNA at the scene. It's ironic cause like, I wasn't racist in the first place. The I dabbled in racism just to be friendly. Then I tried really hard to convince the jury I wasn't racist. And now I need to be racist and join some Aryan sisterhood for prison protection. Is it like this for every model?"


Class of '09/Endings (1)

White Power but NOI Ending[]

Nicole gains the attention of Mr. White, who invites her out to a photoshoot. Nicole finds out he's a white Nationalist, and expresses it to Jecka. Jecka decides to investigate, and ends up agreeing with many of his ideas. They form a "White Pride Party" group, where Jecka is the leader, second to Mr. White. Nicole films the "White! Pride! Worldwide!" chant, and uploads it to the Nation of Islam forums, where the video immediately goes viral and draws the attention of Minister Farrakhan, who orders a full scale arson assault on the school.


"So right after I uploaded that video to the N.O.I. forums it was immediately shared everywhere. Shared to the point of Minister Farrakahn seeing it and ordering a full scale arson assault on the entire school. He kinda just posted that, and I'm not even sure if it was the real Farrakhan y'know... but I called in sick anyway... Sucks to be in the White Pride Party."


Class of '09/Endings (2)


  • Humor the school tour
  • Watch him get beat up
  • Photography
  • Roll your eyes while agreeing
  • Find the most expensive restaurant in town and do it
  • Question his questions
  • I'd rather see if the janitors selling Xanax
  • Call out his pedophilosophy
  • Agree to disagree like a fence-sitting liberal
  • Who gives a sh*t
  • Say you love rap music
  • Get a video of this mess

White Power Ending[]

Nicole gains the attention of Mr. White, who invites her out to a photoshoot. Nicole finds out he's a white Nationalist, and expresses it to Jecka. Jecka decides to investigate, and ends up agreeing with many of his ideas. They form a "White Pride Party" group, where Jecka is the leader, second to Mr. White.


"It's been about... 3 weeks now since I've gone to school? Once the news hit they killed Jeffery the literal FBI stepped in and expelled all the white nationalists, the end right? Well see like 95% of the school were in the White Pride Party, including the teachers. No teachers, no students, no school. Jecka sent me a polaroid of herself in prison and she's already covered in the Aryan tattoos, so it really makes you think. Makes you think about how indifference leads to a whole bunch of stupid sh*t."


Class of '09/Endings (3)

Moving Again Ending[]

Nicole cuts photography class and finds Crispin in the girls' bathroom. Later that night he confesses his feelings and sends her an explicit photo of himself over text. She sends the photo to everyone she knows, completely ruining his reputation in the process. Principal Lynn calls Nicole's mother that night so she exaggerates the story for pity. Her mother threatens to sue the school and get Crispin expelled but can't afford a lawyer, so the family moves once again.


"Well, guess who didn't get expelled? Mom called again and threatened with a lawsuit. She forgot one crucial detail though... I'm on the assisted income lunch plan so they knew she couldn't afford a lawyer. Like six different alimony checks and they're all going to hair bleaching... So we're moving... AGAIN. Swear to god I can never be satisfied. Not until it's too late."


Class of '09/Endings (4)

School Shooting Ending[]

After Jeffery tells Nicole about his fantasies, she spreads the word which causes Jeffery to be harassed by the other students. Jeffery confronts Nicole after class a few days later, he explains that he is planning on taking his life later that night. Nicole dismisses this, telling Jeffery that maybe he should kill himself for being so stupid which later leads to this ending.


"I would've left a note, but there's only a two second window between starring down the barrel of a gun and dying. I'm not even mad that I'm dead. Through all the news coverage that'll cry about me for a week and him for a century, it might be best for both of us they rarely get the facts straight. They'll tell you I was a sweet innocent girl who'd never turn an entire school against the anime kid. They'll also tell you he was a twisted mastermind who didn't wanna f*ck fictionally tall women. So yeah he seems cooler than me now... but try talking to him."


Class of '09/Endings (5)

Drug Rehab Ending[]

After Kylar jumps off the school roof in order to impress Nicole and is taken to the hospital, school is closed for the rest of the day. She breaks into his house at night with the key he gave her and steals all of his Percocet. She gets her stomach pumped and is sent to rehab after accidentally overdosing on the stash.


"Yeah so I went a little crazy the first week of having an endless supply of opioids. Mom found me strung out on the bedroom floor and called 911 to get my stomach pumped. Now I'm in rehab against my will. I wish they had rehab for not ugly people because all these toothless meth heads keep hitting on me. At first I thought it'd be fun cause you get away from school but they have a f*cking tutor here, it's bullsh*t. I'm gonna hang myself tonight... Just kidding... Not really though..."


Class of '09/Endings (6)

Valedictorian Ending[]

After Kylar jumps from the school roof, Nicole finds out there’s a rumor spreading around that she manipulates boys into killings themselves. This makes every boy at school avoid her. Nicole uses this to her advantage by manipulating Jeffery into “doing all her homework and slipping her all the test answers” so that she won’t force him to kill himself. Jeffery sticks with this deal until graduation, making Nicole valedictorian for Class of ‘09.


"So he stuck with that deal all the way to the end of graduation. I'm valedictorian for the Class of '09. He was still doing all that homework even after everyone stopped caring about the suicide. Which was like a month so, Jeffery's an outlier. For my speech I just read quotes from an AA brochure and people ate it up. Special thanks to lacrosse."


Class of '09/Endings (7)

YouTube Famous Ending[]

After Kylar jumps from the school roof, Jecka suggests to Nicole that she could get YouTube famous by vlogging about the incident. Nicole and Jecka skip to go film the vlog which later went viral within a week.


"Eight months later, I'm kind of a big deal on YouTube. The first video we did went viral in like a week. All these news stations were calling for an interview, schools wanted me to do assemblies. Oh and a million sponsorships for companies I don't even like but they pay so whatever. I was definitely right about YouTube fame cause I tried hanging out with the guy who played McLovin and he just ignored every text."


Class of '09/Endings (8)

Psych Ward Ending[]

When faced with the decision to go to the concert, Nicole decides to instead go home and commit suicide. Unfortunately her mother has to return back home and finds Nicole after she slit her wrists. She is then sent to the Psych Ward until her 18th birthday.


"What's it like to be happy? Like HAPPY happy? Sure I can have fun, think something's cool, have a good time.. None of that outweighs wanting to die. Mom had me locked up in a mental ward until my 18th birthday. So I learned what crazy pills actually do to you. They don't make anyone happier, just more content with limbo. What sucks worse than killing yourself is f*cking up killing yourself. You don't get to be a black and white headshot for eternity. You're just really awkward to hang out with..."


Class of '09/Endings (9)

Suicide Ending[]

Coach Colby spreads a rumor about Nicole, that being that she slept with the whole football team. This spreads to all the boys she hung out with over spring break which makes them extremely angry and start to threaten her.

Run home to mom: Nicole tries to explain to Mom that she ran away from school because she was about to get jumped, Mom does not care as she tells Nicole that she had gotten a call from school saying that they were considering expulsion for the amount of times she has skipped school. Mom tells Nicole that if she gets expelled from school, she's also expelled from home. Nicole leaves to her room, leading to this ending.

Run to the counselor: Nicole attempts to talk to the counselor about what just happened in the hallway. The counselor reveals that he is also in on this rumor and tells Nicole that even Principal Lynn knows about it too. Nicole goes home, leading to this ending.


"People are books, puzzles, and pawns. In that order. First they're read, then they're figured out, then they're persuaded. Some would call that wrongly manipulative, but what's the alternative? Basically any advice my Mom's ever given me. 'Don't be mean, don't judge, don't be open.' And yeah sure but, that only works when men don't wanna have sex with you. Be tolerant of guys who get off by choking you, no way that goes south. What's wrong with a pizza delivery-boy with no career goals? When's the last time you asked your pizza man if he's a rapist? They're called warning signs, but ignoring them makes you a nice person. And one day if you're a nice enough girl you'll end up just like me! …And just like my dad.

If you're reading this, I'm dead."


Class of '09/Endings (10)

Graduation Ending[]



"I thought about what Miss Lynn said for months into my first fully legal summer. The manipulation was still fun, what got harder was the escape plan. Now that I was 18 I couldn't just resort to calling older men pedophiles for dating me, I slowed down a bit. Maybe I should start a movement that makes my attitude more common, but it’d be a ton of work to promote. And that's when I learned the grand irony of being pretty, it destroys your dopamine levels, you don't wanna do sh*t. Dudes just buy me drinks, give me things, everything--what incentive do I have to try? Is this why women make less? We don't feel like trying? Actually I want a stat on the women who quit their small businesses, what percentage of them are hot? Or what if their business does really well because they're hot? I guess my point is, if our culture's ran by looks... the stats should take looks into consideration. I promise I'll have a political takeaway from my high school years, I just need the numbers...

...Watching your Dad kill himself really f*cks you up."


Class of '09/Endings (11)


  • Humor the school tour
  • Double down on the verbal abuse
  • Gym class
  • Go to the locker room and change
  • Scream as loud as you can
  • He can't tell you what to do
  • Shed some light on everyone else
  • On one condition

When Jeffery asks you to sign his yearbook, both choices are fine.

State-wide Expulsion Ending[]



"Well so much for Jecka's stupid f*cking glove idea. To this day I genuinely believe sleepwalking would've working if it wasn't for wearing those. Anyway, I got state-wide expulsion--yeah I didn't know it was a thing either. Mom refused to move again, forced me to get a sh*tty job, and hits me to relieve her feelings of disappointment. The deep fryer leaving craters on my face is bad, but anyone from school seeing me is a suicidal experience. 'Wow the camera really does add 10 pounds' f*ck off."


Class of '09/Endings (12)

Homeless Ending[]



"Needless to say, Mom was pissed. I was like 'but I thought we should tell the truth' and she was all 'not in court, bitch!' So we got buried in legal fees, lost our home, lost everything. Mom found another husband and said I could rot under a bridge for all she cared. I opted for the cardboard box, at least I can decorate it. Lesson learned though. I learned honesty makes your life way harder than it needs to be..."


Class of '09/Endings (13)

500k LA Dream Ending[]



"It’s been about a year since the trial. We won $500,000 in the civil suit and I immediately dropped out and moved to LA. Dressing nice and maintaining my new expensive drug habit is cool, but the school's tax dollars paying for it is so hot. I met another Nicole while I was out here, she's kinda famous."


Class of '09/Endings (14)

Necrophilia Ending[]

Coach Colby enters the girls' locker room to watch Nicole change and offers to take her out that afternoon, an offer which she accepts after he offers her money. After their "date" she agrees to let him take her back to his place. Once she enters his house he strangles and kills her, the implication being that he had sex with her body soon afterwards.


"I came to this new school with the full intention of f*cking around. Life was hopeless so sleeping with my gym teacher was just a drop in the bucket... You could say the major mistake was going home with a stranger, but honestly most strangers are fine as long as they're not into necrophilia... The second I stepped in he locked the door behind us, grabbing my neck and squeezing really f*cking tight. The last thing I remember was the rush in his eyes while the life slipped from mine. I didn't know her that well, but tell Jecka she's cool for me. As for my family, they can f*ck off and burn in hell with me. ...See ya soon, Dad."


Class of '09/Endings (15)

Class of '09/Endings (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.